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How do you restore access to a third-party application?

This article will show you how to recover a set of lost tokens for a third-party application that is connected to your library.

It is not possible to retrieve an existing set of tokens for a third-party application. If a partner has lost access to your library and needs to recover it, a new set of tokens must be generated. Follow these steps to destroy the lost set of tokens and create a new one:

1. Click the cog icon on the top right and navigate to Library Settings > API Settings.

2. Locate the partner's application in the list of connected applications.

3. Click Manage:

4. Locate the lost token on the list of existing tokens under Manage access, and click Revoke:

Make sure that you are revoking the correct token! Mistakenly revoking the wrong token can lock an application out of your library and compromise the integration until access is restored!

5. Under Create token, select the same scopes as the revoked token and give it a similar name.
6. Click Create

7. A new set of tokens will be presented. Copy the highlighted tokens and send them to the third party managing the application. They will use these details to connect to your Apicbase library. You must copy both tokens: