Download an image from your library in different formats

You can download all the pictures in your APIC Media Library in different formats. To download an image, follow the steps in this article.

  • Go to the picture you would like to download from your library.
  • Click on the download button in the toolbar and select ‘image’.IMAGE DOWNLOAD 1-1
  •  You will now get a pop-up screen where you can choose the settings of the image you want to download: size, DPI and file type.IMAGE DOWNLOAD 2-1

Size: choose between large, medium and small. 

DPI: choose the DPI (Dots Per Inch) based on what you want to use your image for. It can be for Web (72 dpi) or for Print (300dpi).IMAGE DOWNLOAD 4-1

File type: your image can be a JPEG, PNG or TIFF file.

  • Click on download and your image will be automatically downloaded, ready to use!IMAGE DOWNLOAD 6-1