How can I upload pictures to my Apicbase library?

When you have an APIC studio, you can take pictures and upload them at once. You can however upload other pictures to your Apicbase library. Read this article to learn how.

To upload pictures to Apicbase, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Media" in the menu on top of your browser and select "External pictures". The "External pictures" are pictures in Apicbase that were not taken with our Apic Studio.
  2. Click on "Upload photos" in the grey toolbar on top.

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  3. You'll get a screen where you can drag and drop pictures to upload them, or click "selecting them here" on your device.

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  4. When you have uploaded the pictures, you'll see them on the bottom of the page. Just click the picture to edit it as any other picture in Apicbase. You'll now be able to add them when editing ingredients, recipes and menu's.

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