How to setup the Hanos x Apicbase integration?

This article explains how the connection has to be setup between Apicbase & Hanos. This article is meant for the Hanos account manager, the Hanos 'binnendienst' (delivery center) and the Apicbase support team.

General information

The connection between Apicbase & Hanos allows customers to order hanos products outside of the webshop environment, directly from Apicbase. This article details which steps need to be taken care of to make this a smooth process.

How to setup the connection?

1. Action to customer: provide information on which assortments needs to be shared with Apicbase to their Hanos account manager and/or binnendienst service desk.

Example: Let's assume we have a customer A with 3 locations. 2 locations get delivered by delivery Center in Amsterdam and one in Rotterdam. The 3 locations are all under the same 'hamburger' concept and so should be able to order the same articles (depending of course on their availability in the hanos delivery center).

The customer should make clear in an email to their account manager how they want their assortments to be 'set up'. E.g. in the example above, they might say "We want to get 1 and the same assortment for all our 3 locations from Hanos". 

2. Action to account manager/binnendienst: set up the positievoorstel correctly given the scenario provided earlier.

The account manager or binnendienst has check if the customer is:

  • A 'delivery customer' (een bezorgklant)
  • A positievoorstel exist (and is the correct one).

If either one of those requirements is not right, it needs to be resolved first.

In the Hanos backoffice it's possible to configure a positievoorstel and link it to one or more customer numbers. 

In the example case, the account manager would configure one positievoorstel and link it to the customer number(s) of the 3 locations of the mutual customer.

If the customer wishes a different assortment per customer number, different 'positievoorstellen' need to be set up and linked to the different customer numbers.

3. Acton to Account manager/binnendienst: reach out to the hanos technical team (binnendienst verkoop) to configure the data files to be shared with Apicbase.

If the positievoorstel is setup correctly and it's linked to the right customer number(s). Now the account manager/binnendienst has to reach out to and  The following needs to be communicated:

  • For which customer number(s) the assortment integration needs to be setup.
  • The positievoorstel(len) used for the customer number(s).
  • Leverdagen

4. Action to Hanos tech team: Notify when configuration is done

Hanos tech team will notify when the configuration is done for a given customer. They mention the following:

  • customer number(s) for which a data export has been enabled.

5. Action to apicbase support: Enable the synchronisation of the assortments & orders

After receiving the confirmation of the right files, Apicbase will configure the assortment connection for each outlet. Also the ordering connection will be enabled.


Even if the same positievoorstel is used for multiple customer numbers within a customer group, the eventual data shared with Apicbase might differ per customer number (actually per delivery center). E.g. some products might not be orderable in one delivery center while they are orderable in others. So, minor differences might occur when inspecting the assortments shared for different customer numbers.


If there is still an issue with a product, the account manager/binnendienst can check these points to make sure products are correctly configured in the Hanos backoffice.