How to change your date notation in Apicbase?

Apicbase allows you to change the date notation used in the software, as well in e-mails that go out to your suppliers for example. This article shows you how.

Mainly to avoid confusion for our US-based customers, we have now introduced the US date notation. You can change this under your User Profile.

Click the Settings-cog wheel, then click User Profile.

Schermafbeelding 2021-08-20 om 14.27.28

On this page you can change the interface language, which will also determine your date notation.

Schermafbeelding 2021-08-20 om 14.28.12

If you click the interface language, you can now choose between 'English (UK)' and 'English (US)'.

Schermafbeelding 2021-08-20 om 14.28.58

  • Choosing English (US) will make sure your dates in Apicbase are formatted as: MM/DD/YYYY
  • All other language settings will format the date as DD/MM/YYYY

Please note that these changes will currently only be applied on the Procurement Module in Apicbase