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  3. Ingredient management: the basics

Export a list of all your ingredients

You can easily export your ingredients to a Microsoft Excel file. This might be useful for numerous reasons, including in order to work in the Excel sheet to update or add new ingredient information.

Please check this article if you want to learn how to export a selection of ingredients or packages. 

To export ingredients, follow the steps below:

  • Go to "Ingredients" in the "Products" section in the navigation bar.
  • Click on the "Export" button in the gray toolbar.
  • Click "Full List" to get a full list of all ingredients in the database or click "Selected Items" if you only want to export a few ingredients.
    Screen Shot 2022-10-04 at 13.47.15 PM
  • A popup appears that gives you the chance to go to "Exports". There you will find the file.

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  • At "Progress" you can see if the file is still loading, or if you can already download it. Press "Download" when it's finished.

    Screen Shot 2022-10-04 at 13.48.02 PM

Because it's about a lot of data, it may take a while before the export is ready. Don't worry! Feel free to do something else in Apicbase in the meantime. The export will continue to generate in the background.